Magnetic Therapy Helps Childhood Incontinence

Magnetic therapy helps children who suffer from incontinence and bet wetting.
Magnetic field stimulation of the pelvic floor appears to be effective for treating children who have overactive bladders, according to one scientific study. Dr. Sang Won Han and other researchers working at the Yonsei University College of Medicine, in Seoul, South Korea, studied the effects of magnet therapy in forty-two kids who were suffering from this problem.

For the study, the kids were separated and categorized according to their symptoms into 3 different study groups.  The groups consisted of: children who experienced voiding urgency and involuntary urinary leakage; children who experienced only bed wetting during the night; and children who had issues with incontinence during both the day and night.

The course of the study involved magnetic field stimulation being applied to the study subjects two times a week for a period of four weeks.  The stimulation was applied using a chair which emitted a magnetic field. Each of the sessions lasted for a period of about twenty minutes.

Upon completion of all of the magnetic therapy treatments for the study, the mean daily voiding frequency was lowered by a substantial amount in the group who had experienced urgency-related incontinence, as well as in the children who been experiencing both day and night incontinence. A measurable reduction in the frequency of urgency-related incontinence was also reported in these study groups.

The study group that suffered only bed wetting during the night, also experienced a substantial decrease in these occurrences.

The study researchers also reported that there was a measured increase in the average overall bladder capacity of the children in all the groups, at the conclusion of the treatments, which can aid in reducing the occurrence of incontinence.

The results of this research study were published in the British Journal of Urology International. For more information, visit Doctor NDTV.

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