Using Magnetic Therapy to Treat Nausea and Stomach Discomfort During Pregnancy

Magnet therapy for treating nausea.
A doctor has reported that he has been able to successfully treat pregnant women suffering from nausea and stomach discomfort utilizing magnetic therapy. The therapy was created for women who are pregnant, and who regularly suffer from periods of nausea and/or vomiting. The malady can be so extreme and uncomfortable for some women that they need to take medications for relief of their symptoms - medications that may not be safe during pregnancy.

According to the study, a pregnant woman was suffering from severe nausea and stomach discomfort even after taking prescribed medication. Her doctor then suggested that she try using multi-polar magnets applied to the inside portion of both of her wrists. The therapy magnets rest on specifically identified points, with or without additional pressure.  The magnets are to remain applied until the patient's nausea is reduced or eliminated.

This patient discovered that her nausea symptoms had started to abate within a period of a few days. Her nausea only returned again if she failed to use the therapy magnets.  The doctor has gone on to find that using multi-polar magnets has also been able to aid in the reduction of nausea brought on by chemotherapy treatments.

This therapy technique of utilizing magnets for the treatment of nausea and stomach-related sickness, is derived from acupressure therapy, which was designed to relieve symptoms by stimulating the insides of the wrists using pressure points. This specific part of the body is crucial, as it has been linked to nausea symptoms.

Both acupressure and magnetic therapy may be good options for people who may be suffering from nausea or other stomach discomfort, and are open to using alternative therapies. Both of these therapeutic methods generally are not expensive, and both have been show to be very effective in reducing or eliminating nausea for many sufferers. Additionally, a sufferer may find an effective cure for their symptoms without resorting to the use of medications, which are potentially both expensive and unsafe, particularly during pregnancy.

Magnetic therapy has also been show to help alleviate the symptoms associated with menopause.

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